How to bleed a radiator

You can collect and borrow a radiator bleed key from the Unipol Office

If your room feels cold and your radiator is turned to maximum, check if it is cold at the top and warmer at the bottom. If it is, then you have air trapped at the top of the radiator and this needs releasing to the hot water can reach all parts of the radiator.

This is a quick and simple job tenants are expected to carry out.

1. Make sure heating not on

2. If radiator is cold at bottom and warm at top it means cold air is trapped and needs removing so radiator works properly.

3. Use the radiator key at the top of the radiator - you will see a little fitting at either side

4. Turn the key and hear the air hissing out. Do this carefully and be prepared to turn it back.

5. Turn back if water starts coming out. The water can be a bit smelly but this is normal.